
  • Wed August 27 2014
  • Posted Aug 27, 2014

Area residents will have the opportunity to celebrate sustainable food systems in central Iowa while exploring area farms on bicycle.

The Local Food Cycle, organized by Prairie Rivers of Iowa and Story County Conservation, is a 40-mile bicycle ride scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 7. Registration is $55 and is due by Sept. 2

To register, visitwww.culinaryride.comand click on the Ames ride.

Riders will explore farms in Boone and Story counties and enjoy food made by area chefs. Any additional funds raised from the event will go to support future local food events and conservation programming for Story County Conservation and Prairie Rivers of Iowa.

Sponsors include the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Skunk River Cycles, Jax Outdoor Gear, Thiel Bicycle Company, Tracy Bear at Heroic Ink and Prairie Moon Winery.

Contact Ruth Powell atrpowell@prrcd.orgor (515) 232-0048 for more information.

Prairie Rivers of Iowa is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to strengthening Iowa’s communities through the responsible stewardship of our natural resources.

Story County Conservation manages more than 3,500 acres of parks and natural areas, including lakes, campgrounds, and trails.

All Iowa Culninary Rides

Ames, IA- Sunday September 7th (BIKEIOWA Calendar post)
Cedar Rapids, IA- Sunday September 7th
Quad Cities, IA- Sunday September 14th
Iowa City, IA- Sunday September 21st

Culinary Ride Mission

The mission of the Culinary Ride is to engender greater appreciation for local agraian economies and encourage people to choose bicycling as their primary form of transportation. We believe that if local farmers and those businesses that support them succeed, our communities will be vibrant and healthy. We hope to link community members and local businesses with local food suppliers. The most fun way to do this, in our opinion, is by bicycle.

The Culinary Ride's vision is to produce intimate, community-oriented bicycle events across the country and contribute momentum to the bicycle and local food movements.

These bicycle tours feature local farms, food and the Chefs that utilize these ingredients. As we marry local food and bicycle movements riders savor food prepared fresh by local chefs, and enjoy handcrafted beverages while roaming the farms and environemntal desinations in the company of friends.?

A portion of the proceeds benefit local organizations dedicated to ensuring communities enjoy anutritious helping of fresh food and a connection to the natural world.





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